Process and organizational consulting at a regional Bank
Established and coordinated monthly reporting, drafted and coordinated approval process for detailed schedules, defined responsibilities, designed escalation processes.
IAS/ IFRS Introduction: Carried out process analysis and process design within the scope of the IFRS conversion at a regional Bank
IFRS9 Conversion: Analyzed processes, adapted master credit process to IFRS9 requirements, established and organized evidence centre.
FinRep: Developed process concepts, designed supplier chains and coordination routines, established activities overview for FinRep implementation.
Provided support in the evaluation and choice of financial software
Support in implementing and establishing SCD in the fields of migration, concept design, parameterization and the definition of process standards using SCD as front- and back office solution
Parameterization of financial instruments and in particular the adaptation of financial accounting in SimCorp Dimension to legal, regulatory requirements and accounting standards (i.e. IFRS9 including Excpected Credit Loss adaption).
Establishment and Development of technical and process standards for savings and loans using SimCorp Dimension
Establishment of technical and process standards for legal securities holdings management (DepotA Geschäft) for savings and loans using SimCorp Dimension. Management of SCD accounting roll-out and development of concept for ongoing development based on statutory requirements. Definition of annual financial statement processes.
LCR (Liquidity Coverage Ratio): Implementation of a routine which determines, identifies and flags LCR securities in SimCorp Dimension.
Support for various clients (savings banks, SaarLB) in migrating from a legacy system to the OSPlus solution, with SimCorp Dimension accounting and external general ledger.